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Holy Communion

Each week the table is prepared.
The bread is broken, the wine is poured.
Come, taste and see the goodness of our God!

Often folks who have been estranged from their former church, or who have been prohibited from receiving Holy Communion in their former church contact us to ask about Holy Communion. 

We welcome all to God’s table, regardless of one’s marital status or sexual orientation. We invite all baptized Christians to share with us in this sacrament. Since we are ecumenical in our outlook, we believe that the communion table should be a source that unites us not one that divides us. We affirm that there is one body, for we all share in the one bread and the one cup. By virtue of their baptism, each Christian is an integral part of the body of Christ and we do not have the authority to say to another, “You are unwelcome here because you do not function in the same way we do.” Certainly, if Christ can share the Last Supper with the one who would betray him, who are we to say anyone is unwelcome? We believe that God is working through the Holy Spirit to draw someone forward to receive nourishment at Christ’s table.
We Celebrate the Holy Eucharist or Holy Communion each Sunday. Like the Roman Catholics, Lutherans, Anglicans, Old Catholics, and Orthodox Christians, we affirm that Christ is present in the bread and wine. We believe that explaining exactly how this is so, should not be something that divides. We affirm that in the context of the prayers of the gathered community, in the taking, blessing, breaking and sharing, the bread and wine offered somehow become for us the body and blood of Christ without arguing over the specifics of precisely how that happens. Ultimately it is a matter of faith—a mystery that only God can fully comprehend.
So what is Holy Communion like at All Souls?Our communion liturgy is normally based on the Anglican-rite but often we use liturgies from other Eucharistically-centered resources from such traditions as the Roman Catholic, Old Catholic, and Lutheran Churches. We often use more contemporary, trial liturgies that are appropriate. Within our Eucharistic Prayers, one will find all the elements found in ancient communion liturgies written since the 2nd Century.

We normally receive communion in both species of bread and wine. For those who may prefer, we also offer pure consecrated grape-juice. All of those who worship with us are invited forward to receive and trust that God moves and speaks to each person to respond to that invitation appropriately. Following the most ancient custom, we normally receive the bread in our hand and then drink from a common chalice. A person may dip the bread in the wine/juice if they prefer. Because many parishioners are unable to kneel, we usually receive the bread and wine in a standing position. 
At All Souls we follow the Anglican and Orthodox tradition of admitting children to communion. All those, from the day of their baptism, are welcome to partake of Christ body and blood.