As requested, your delegates from All Souls will be sending daily updates from our Ecumenical Catholic Communion Synod. Please continue to be in prayer this week for your delegates (Fr. Henry, Joan, and Jerry) and all the delegates from our brother and sister Communities gathered at the synod.
Presiding Bishop-Elect, elected
Rev Frank Krebs
Fr. Frank Krebs, pastor of Saints Clare and Francis Ecumenical Catholic Community of St. Louis, MO was elected as Bishop-Elect of the ECC. He will serve as Bishop-elect for one year, working with current Presiding Bishop Peter Elder to ensure a smooth transition. He will then serve a four year term as Presiding Bishop of the ECC.
Bishop Peter preaching
Acts 2: 42-47
Mthr. Kae Madden gave the first reflection on Act 2. She reflected on the early Jerusalem community – and how the example they gave could serve as a model for our community in ECC, including All Souls. Koinonia, prayers, breaking of the bread, and apostolic instruction are some of the things we can mirror in our community.
Ephesians 4:1-16
Fr. Frank Krebs gave the second reflection on Ephesians 4. In his reflection Fr. Krebs emphasized the need for unity and communion in the love of God. Verse 4-6 “There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called to the one hope of your calling, one Lord, one faith, one baptisim, one God and Father of all, who is above all and through all and in all.
Matthew 28:16-20
Bishop Peter preached on “The Great Commission”. He encouraged us to be in community with one another, with other communities and most of all – be in communion with God. He assured us that the promise that Jesus will be with us always, even to the ends of the age.
Clergy enter for the beginning of the Holy Fellowship to start the synod. Brother Ray Knapp is on right.
Fr. Dewayne and Fr. Henry enter the Holy Fellowship with the processional of clergy
Presiding Bishop Peter Elder presents newly elected Bishop Elect, Fr. Frank Krebs with a symbol of the Ecumenical Catholic Communion.