Board of Directors Meeting 6:00 pm Friday, October 24 *If anyone has a concern, idea, or other business to bring to the board, please contact any member prior to this meeting or you are welcome to come to the meeting in person. Let us know if you want to join us. All are welcome.
Worship/Holy Eucharist 1:00 PM Sunday, October 18
POT LUCK! 6:00 pm Saturday, October 25
Worship/Holy Eucharist 1:00 PM Sunday, October 26
Worship/Holy Eucharist 1:00 PM Sunday,November 2
This Week
Setup/Clean Up
Lay Assistant
Fr. Henry
1st Reading
2nd Reading
Rich SP.
Want to serve as a participant? All volunteers welcome! To see openings & how to volunteer – please click on the ROTA links below.
The ECC Synod has ended. A new Presiding Bishop-Elect has been elected. Our Communion moves into its 12th year and All Souls moves into our 6th year. God continues to work through his church and his people – bu thow has
Hope you see you soon! Feel free to pass on your Weekly All Souls Good News to a Friend! Seeing this for the first time? Click on “JOIN OUR MAILING LIST” over on the left hand blue column to get this directly to your email.
This weeks readings:
Take time to mediate on God’s word and prepare for worship this Sunday.
Isaiah 25:6-10
Psalm 23
Philippians 4:1-9
Matthew 22:1-14
Philippians 4: 4-7
Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, Rejoice. Let your gentleness be known to everyone. The Lord is near. Do not worry about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
What kind of week have you had? Is is a week where its easy to say “Praise God!” and to rejoice in the Lord? Or is it a week where your struggling to keep your head up and sometimes wonder where God is in you week? The good news is that no matter how you “feel” about your week – these verses apply to our daily lives.
First, we are called to “Rejoice Always”, even when its hard to do so. It doesn’t say to rejoice only on the good days – we are commanded to rejoice always. Did you rejoice today? If not – take time to rejoice, right now! Secondly, we are told to not worry – but bring everything to God. Lay our worries, problems, and concerns at his feet. Have you done that today? If not, I invite you to take your stress, worries, and concerns and raise them in prayer.
Finally, if we do these things – we are promised the peace of God! How amazing is our God! We long for that peace everyday. Take a hold of this scripture, claim this promise. Rejoice! Amen!
Our Fall Fundraiser for ALL SOULS is a Yankee Candle Sale. We are asking all parishioners to help us sell the candles, flameless candles, fragrances, and other fine gifts. You can pick up catalog and packet to sell locally to your friends, family, coworkers, and neighbors. Plus you are able to become a seller, get your own personal page/link and sell on line. The kicked off at out 5th Anniversary Pot luck on September 13 and ends October 19! Orders will be delivered in time for Thanksgiving and Christmas! So please purchase your items now and get busy selling to others and share your personal link!
ECC SYNOD a Success! The sixth Holy Synod as the international Ecumenical Catholic Communion was held October 7 – 10 in Aurora, CO.
Representing All Souls was Fr. Henry Pruski, Jerry Schearer, and Joan Hanely as elected as delegates or alternative delegate our Annual Meeting last November.
Hopefully you read the daily updates that were sent out during the synod and you got a sense of what the week was like. We will present a report about the synod during the Annual Meeting on November 2. If you want to see some pictures from synod, please click on the link below.
SAVE THE DATES!!! – October Potluck and November Annual Meeting OCTOBER POT LUCK – Saturday, October 25 6:00 pm in the Pine Room (lower level)
ANNUAL MEETING & Pot Luck – Sunday, November 2
Following worship
Thanksgiving Eve Service with the Northeast Miniserium.
Wednesday, November 26
Time and Location TBA
We have four questions we would like to ask you about the life of All Souls Church. This is in preparation for our Annual Meeting on November 2. Please take time to print out thisSURVEY. Answers may be given to any Board member, put in the offering plate, or emailed back to
ALSO – November 2nd is our Feast Day – ALL SAINTS/ALL SOULS SUNDAY. We will have a form at the back of the church and at happy hour this month to put down the names of those who have passed away that you would like remembered. These names will be read during the service on November 2.