On behalf of the Board of Directors of All Souls, let me wish you and your family a very Happy Thanksgiving week! Please travel safely if your headed out of town next week, be blessed as you share the holiday with friends and family, and know that we are Thankful for YOU at All Souls.
Hope you see you soon! Feel free to pass on your Weekly All Souls Good News to a Friend! Seeing this for the first time? Click on “JOIN OUR MAILING LIST” over on the left hand blue column to get this directly to your email.
Blessings! – Jerry
This weeks readings:
Take time to mediate on God’s word and prepare for worship this Sunday.
Ezekiel 34:11-16
Psalm 95:1-6
Ephesians 1:15-23
Matthew 25:31-46
Psalm 95: 1-2
Come, let us sing to the LORD;
let us shout for joy to the Rock of our salvation.
Let us come before his presence with thanksgiving
and raise a loud shout to him with psalms.
As we enter this week of Thanksgiving – let us be reminded to give God thanks everyday for his goodness. He has provided us with many blessings. We are especially thankful for his greatest gift of all – his son, Jesus Christ our savior and our salvation.
Transgender Day of Remembrance Service
Friday, November 21 @ 7:00 pm
The Chapel at Calvary Reformed United Church of Christ
640 Centre Avenue
Reading PA 19601
Hosted by Reading Pride Celebration
New Website: www.allsoulsecumenical.org
The Board would like to thank Mike York for converting our former website to a WordPress. This took a lot of work to transfer the information, add links, etc. Thank you Mike!
Part of the change to WordPress is that that it allows more people to make changes to the website with just some minimal training. While we will still lean on Mike as our webmaster – having others be able to make updates, changes, and additions will allow these things to happen maybe more quickly. If you would like to be part of our “online ministry” team – please let Jerry know!
Please note that the actual url name is still the same as the old. However, the old URL then re-directed your browser to a geocities site (with a different URL). So if you bookmarked the geocities site (or some searches will still bring up the geocities site) – please be sure to book mark the new site with the direct URL.
Have you notices over in the left column that there are a bunch of cool links! Some go to other website and some open up documents that we change each week. Take time to click through!
You will see the NOVEMBER/DECEMBER ROTA and the JANUARY/FEBRUARY Rota. This is the list of the tasks we need to have performed each week to hold our worship service and fellowship hours. We are all ministers at All Souls – so each of is called to be an active part of our family. You can be up at the alter doing a variety of things, speaking or not speaking roles, set up or take down, greeting, hospitality, and more. Please take time to open the rota and volunteer. To volunteers, please see BEN or sign the rota at church or call or email him directly – his email is on the rota. Please let him know what you would like to do AND the date (s) you are available.
ALSO – we update the prayer list each week. Take time to click on that link and either view and pray for the requests on the list right away – or print it out, put it with your bible and pray over them each day during your meditation time. We know prayer works, please take time each week or more to lift up All Souls.