This weeks readings:
Take time to mediate on God’s word and prepare for worship this Sunday. And as you meditate on them, consider the question of the week: “How will my Lenten observance respond to Jesus’ twofold challenge to seek healing myself and then, once healed by God’s grace, become an instrument of healing for others with the “hands-on” compassion of Jesus?”
Leviticus 13:1-2, 44-46
Psalm 32: 1-2, 5, 11
1 Corinthians 10:31-11:1
Mark 1:40-45
1 Corinthians 10:31-11:1
Brothers and sisters, Whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do everything for the glory of God. Avoid giving offense, whether to the Jews or Greeks or the church of God, just as I try to please everyone in every way, not seeking my own benefit but that of the many, that they may be saved. Be imitators of me, as I am of Christ.
The apostle Paul is saying that in all we do, we should aim at the glory of God, at pleasing and honoring him.With this weekend being a celebration of Valentines Day – let us love each other, strangers, his creation, and even our enemies; with the kind of Love that Jesus provided as an example. A holy, peaceable, and benevolent spirit, will give joy to those whom you love, will lift up those who are down trodden, and will disarm the greatest enemies. So LOVE to the GLORY OF GOD!
Bring your Palms this Sunday!
In preparation for Ash Wednesday on February 18, we ask that you bring back your old palms this Sunday, February 15.
As is tradition, old palms are burned and the ashes used on Ash Wednesday.
ASH WEDNESDAY SERVICE – February 18, 7:00 pm
Begin your Lent with our Ash Wednesday service. Invite a friend! Service will begin at7:00 pm in the Chapel. Hope to see you there!
Next Potluck – Saturday, February 21
We love spending time with our All Souls family and we are a family that enjoys food. What a blessing it is when we combine the two at our pot-lucks.
Just a reminder, our next pot luck is next week! Saturday, February 21 – 6:00 pm in the Pine Room (basement). Valentines Day Themed! hmmmmmm
Help Support Co-County Wellness Services – March 3
17 Berks County restaurants host A Good Thyme for Life, a special dining event raising funds for the fight against HIV/AIDS.
Each restaurant generously donates a percentage of their evening revenue to Co-County Wellness Services.
How you can be sure!
Certain members of the board have been tasked with making the decision to cancel services or not. We try to carefully watch the weather, predict what might happen by 1pm service time, and make a careful decision. If canceled we will post as early as possible on our Facebook Page, send an email, and we do have an account with channel 69 news and you can see those closings at
Of course if power or internet becomes a problem, you may also call the church phone and the voice mail will be updated as well. If your still not sure, then always better safe than sorry. Spend some time meditating on the weeks scriptures in the safety and warmth of your home.
How are you doing answering this past week’s question
of the week from the bulletin?
“With less than two weeks away, how will my renewed commitment to discipleship express itself in service to others?”