This weeks readings and question of the week:
Take time to mediate on God’s word and prepare for worship this Sunday. And as you meditate on them, consider the question of the week: How closely do we resemble the first Christians pictured in Acts? For example, are we just and “assembly” or are we a community “of one heart and mind”? What can I do to make us more like the latter?

Acts 4:32-35
Psalm 133
1 John 1:1-2:2
John 20:19-31
Acts 4:32-35
Now the whole group of those who believed were of one heart and soul, and no one claimed private ownership of any possessions, but everything they owned was held in common. With great power the apostles gave their testimony to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus, and great grace was upon them all. There was not a needy person among them, for as many as owned lands or houses sold them and brought the proceeds of what was sold. They laid it at the apostles’ feet, and it was distributed to each as any had need.
This passage from Acts sounds like a great community to be involved in. People taking care of people. The Church worshiping together and living together, like a family.
One of the joys and reputations we have at All Souls is being like a family. We try to be there for each other, love each other, pray for one another, and minister to one another. Guests see this, new parishioner experience this, and long time members find comfort in this. Maybe your asking how can I do more for my family? Pray for them – we have the prayer requests listed each week in the bulletins, feel free to take them home or print them off from the link to the left. Become part of a ministry. You can do something during worship such a read the scriptures, prayers, or be a lay assistant, set up before worship, help with hospitality, be a greeter, etc. Or maybe you would like to become involved in the leadership of the church by serving on the board or if you have a vehicle, you can get involved in our new “Transportation Ministry” (See article to the left). What ever your gift or call is – please consider helping us be like the church of Acts – one that shares in ministry. THANK YOU FOR BEING PART OF OUR FAMILY!

As our reflection on the reading from Acts indicates and as has been part of the tradition of ALL SOULS, everyone is a minister of this church. We celebrate Fr. Henry becoming our new pastor this Sunday – but we all can be part of the ministry. HOW? YOU MIGHT ASK?
If you have a vehicle, we can use people to be part of our new “Transportation Ministry” (see article to the left), if you like to be part of the worship service look at all the blanks on the Rota (see link to the left) and talk to Ben about how you can become involved, or maybe you would like to set up or take down the chapel on Sundayafternoons or help count and document the offering or help with Hospitality, Children’s Ministry, serve on the Board of Directors or commit to praying for others. We have something for everyone! And if everyone helps out, we can rotate duties so you don’t have to commit to do something every Sunday. So pray how you might become involved and then talk to any of the board members for more information.
Fr. Henry Pruski to be installed as the new Pastor of All Souls on April 12
Bishop Rick will be at All Souls on Sunday, April 12 to install Fr. Henry as our new pastor. We will have some guest Clergy and others with us as well!
A reception/our April Pot Luck will follow in the pine room |
Confirmation, New Members, and Lay Assistant Commissioning – Sunday, April 12
During the Bishop’s visit to All Souls, Bishop Rick will also be confirming Rich W. and Danny who were baptized this past year. He will also receive Rich, Danny, and Scott C into the ECC membership.
Joan Hanley will also be commissioned as a Lay Assistant.
Rt. Rev. Dr. Rick Hollingsworth
Suffragan Bishop for the
Anglican Rite ECC Communities
This month’s pot luck will be the reception we have immediately following worship this Sunday. We will be setting up the Pine Room before the service on Sunday morning – so feel free to bring your goodies directly downstairs when you arrive. We will have plugs for crock-pots, refrigerator space for drinks or other things that need to stay cold, etc. Then we will go downstairs following the service so members can meet the Bishop, welcome our new pastor, and share in the joy of our newly received members.
How are you doing answering this past week’s question
of the week from the bulletin?
Into what specific situation where faith, hope, or love seem to have died can I go this Easter week and season to share something of the joy and peace I have experienced as gifts of the Risen Jesus?