This weeks readings and question of the week:
Take time to mediate on God’s word and prepare for worship this Sunday. And as you meditate on them, consider the Question of the Week:
This week, what concrete action on my part will show unequivocally that I have decided to stay with Christ in eucharistic discipleship?
Ephesians 6:10-11
Be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his power. Put on the whole armor of God, so that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For our struggle is not against enemies of blood and flesh, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers of this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places.
Ephesians concludes with a concise analogy, perhaps inspired by a glimpse of a Roman soldier, outfitted in armor, patrolling the grounds of Pauls prison. In symbolism and in type, in the New Testament and in history, Christianity is always warlike. Is that not an astonishing thing? War imagery is so often used to describe the faith. The symbolism of the Christian life is filled with war and conflict, but it is not actual steel and iron that the Christian uses in spiritual warfare. It is the steel and iron of the spirit. But he promises in the rest of this passage that if we put on the armor – OR PUT ON CHRIST – that we have victory, not just on Earth, but on all things even above the earth. Also later it reminds us – as we have been talking a lot about here at All Souls, to PRAY – “on all occasions”, not just for ourselves – but for others as well.
The idea of spiritual strength continues in this weeks Gospel reading as well from John, as he reiterates the idea that the Bread of Heaven, provides a supernatural or spiritual strength above what this world can give.
Nominating Committee
Now is the time to start looking ahead to our Annual Meeting in November and looking for new persons to fill the board. Every year, two terms expire – so we have at least two positions to fill, but we can also add more members to the Board of Directors.
We will be seeking new board members before our November Annual meeting – if you are interested in being on the Board of Directors, see Jerry Schearer, Fr. Henry, or any of the other board members for more information or to express your interest. If you want to be part of the Nominating Committee that we are not forming, please see Jerry. This committee will be responsible to find at least two people to serve on the Board and then present these at the Annual Meeting to be voted on.
DRIVERS NEEDED FOR TRANSPORTATION MINISTRY – help 1 or 2 Sundays a month by driving a family or older member who do no drive or have cars to and from church. Its a great way to make friends, meet new people and become part of the ministry of All Souls. If you can help, please email Jerry –
We love our greeters! And we could use more! They are the first impression for visitors and a welcoming smile when returners enter the chapel. Its an important part of our ministry!
Kimmie Kalbach is our Greeter Coordinator. She will be having a class after services, on Sunday September 13. This is a mini-greeter class/ refresher class for anyone who currently greets or is interested in greeting. So even if you just want to check it out and see if its something you might want to do – feel free! See Kimmie for more details.
If there is another part of ministry you would like to know more about like setup/clean up; Hospitality; Lay-Assistant; Readers; Prayers; Chalicer; Offering Teller/Counter, etc….please see any board member! We need volunteers – at All Souls – EVERYONE IS A MINISTER – just find your part or parts!
Our first Potluck of the year – will be a “end of summer” cookout!
DATE: Saturday, September 26
TIME: 2 pm – 5 pm
Location: Exeter Community Park
More details and directions to come, but please save the date and start preparing now! Food, games, and lots of fun! Bring your family and friends!
If you want to help lead any children’s activities or adult activities or help with food or other planning, please let any board member know or email
If you’ve been gone for the summer or even longer or moved away, but want a reason to come see everyone – then come join us!!!! Everyone is welcome!
We always want to be sure your information is up to date. If you have moved, changes phone numbers, or use a new email address – let us know!
We are now ready for phase II and Wendy is starting work on the new directory. If your not sure if your info is correct please email any changes to
All Souls is part of the North West Ministerium; here are some local churches looking for help:
Hope Lutheran has a community meal and worship service every Tuesday from 5:30-6:30 Just show up – it is that easy.
Path of Holiness is collecting children’s clothing to send to El Salvador – there has been some devastation there recently and there is great need.