The first Sunday of Advent bring us HOPE. Join us as we begin our preparation for Christmas. Some other dates to keep in mind is our Cookie Bake/Pizza Party onDecember 11(see below) and greening the chapel onSunday, December 20 at 7:00 pm. And be sure to be a part of our Christmas Eve celebration with a special musical guest,
Please take the time to read the articles and information in this week’s “GOOD NEWS” including clicking on our prayer list and pray for the requests there. Feel free to forward this newsletter to a family member or friend, or share it on your facebook page or twitter by using the “like” and “share” icons at the top of the page.
This weeks readings and question of the week:
Take time to mediate on God’s word and prepare for worship this Sunday. And as you meditate on them, consider the Question of the Week:
Starting today, how can I become more aware of God’s presence so that I may truly prepare for the coming of the Lord into my heart this Christmas?
Jeremiah 33:14-16
Psalm 25:4-9
1 Thessalonians 3:12-4:2
Luke 21:25-28, 34-36
Psalm 25: 4-5
Lead me in your truth and teach me,
for you are the God of my salvation;
in you have I trusted all the day long.
Remember, O LORD, your compassion and love,
for they are from everlasting
Life can be so confusing. There are so many choices for us as we decide the values that will govern our lives. So how are we going to find the best way, God’s way, to live? We will ask God to show us! Our hope is in him. Our salvation is in him. So why not ask him to guide us and teach us his truth? Why not expect that he will make his will known for us? If our hearts are open to his truth and we are seeking his path, he will make his will known.
My Prayer…
O mighty God, the only true guide to life, please help me to know your will more completely. I want to live for you and to please you. I want others to know of my allegiance to you – not just because of the words I speak, but also through the character of my conduct. In Jesus’ name I ask it. Amen.
Friday, December 11
6:00 pm– PINE ROOM
Bring your favorite cookie recipie ready to be rolled, cut, or scooped and baked & decorated! We will bake the cookies, eat pizza, and have other Festive FUN! Join us one and all!!!
Only a few more weeks for online sales!!!!!
BUY PRODUCTS FOR YOURSELF: Can use this link to buy candles, gifts, wrapping paper, centerpieces, and so much more! 40% will come back to ALL SOULS! When you click on the link, you will see a “START SHOPPING” box in the lower corner. Put the All Souls Group # in the box 99006893 the click “start shopping”.
Look for “Sign up to be a seller”, then put in this group #990068693 and your date of birth. Follow the instructions and you will have your own seller page in a few short steps.
We welcome Phyllis Ensher-Peters as a guest musician for our ChristmasMidnightMass.
Phyllis Ensher-Peters, a graduate of the harp class of CARLOS SALZEDO at the Curtis Institute of Music, Philadelphia, has been performing as a professional harp soloist since concluding studies there in 1957. Since then she has performed as a soloist and been in orchestras all over the U.S. and the world.
Ms. Ensher-Peters is currently principal harpist of the Binghamton Symphony Orchestra, the Binghamton Pops, and the Tri-Cities Opera, Binghamton, New York.
Christmas Poinsettias
Donations are now being accepted for the poinsettias that will be displayed in the chapel during Christmas. Donations can be made in honor of or in memory of a loved one. The list of names will be published in the Christmas bulletin. When making a donation for the poinsettias, please use one of the Christmas flower envelopes.
As shared at the annual meeting, we are looking at hospitality coordinator or co-coordinators and helpers. This is for the fellowship hour after the Sunday services but also for pot-lucks and other social activities we might have. There were a lot of great ideas presented and we would love to have people to help out; plan; coordinate etc. If you want to be part of this team please see Wendy or any board member for more information or to volunteer!
Web-Site Review Team
Is our website effective? Are there ideas to make it better?
Do you have an eye for detail? Have any technical skills?
If you want to be on a short web-site review team, please see Henry, Kimmie, or any board member.
Advent Prayer
Come Lord Jesus,
come and be born into my heart.
How are you doing answering this past week’s
question of the week?
Today’s Gospel ends just before Pilate asks Jesus another question: “What is truth?”
The world asks us the same question: What is truth?