Serve One Another In Love
The weekly Newsletter of
A Welcoming Family of Faith!
June 23, 2016
Thanks to those who joined us this past weekend for our June Potluck and for our Father Day Service / Mass of Remembrance. It was a moving service and time of reflection. We welcomed some guests with us and we welcome you back any time you are able.
PRIDE season is here. See below for some community events coming in June and July for our LGBT Community and Allies.
Don’t forget about our new addition to our weekly newsletter -LINKS to Sunday’s hymns. These links are in the left column toward the bottom of the newsletter. And this week we welcome soloist CJ Hartung to our service!
Please take the time to read the articles and information in this week’s “GOOD NEWS” including clicking on our prayer list and pray for the requests listed there.
Feel free to forward this newsletter to a family member or friend, or share it on your facebook page or twitter by using the “like” and “share” icons at the top of the page.
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This weeks readings and question of the week:
Take time to mediate on God’s word and prepare for worship this Sunday. And as you meditate on them, consider the Question of the Week:
How strong is my commitment to following Christ and where and when am I inclined to take the easy way?
![]() 1 Kings 19:16,19-21
Ps 16:1-2, 5, 7-8, 9-10, 11
Galatians 5:1,13-18
Luke 9:51-62
Galations 5:13-14
For you were called to freedom, brothers and sisters; only do not use your freedom as an opportunity for self-indulgence, but through love become slaves to one another. For the whole law is summed up in a single commandment, “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.”
Ellicott’s Commentary (edited)
You were called, not to legal bondage, but to freedom. This caution only is needed: Do not make freedom a pretext for self-indulgence. One servitude you may submit to-the service of love. So doing, you will fulfill the Law without being legalists. He who loves his neighbor as himself will need no other rule. On the other hand, dissensions will be fatal, not to one party only, but to all who take part in them.
TRANSPORTATION MINISTRY – HELP NEEDED![]() We often have people who would like to come to check out our services and even become a member of All Souls – but lack transportation.
We already have some people who assist others in attending by providing transportation – but we could use more! We have a new person who would like to become a part of the All Souls Family – but needs a ride from the Mount Penn Apartments (19th Street). If you would be willing to help pick up and drop off this person, please contact Jerry Schearer. Or if you want to help pick up other person from your area, let us know!
Reading Pride Interfaith Service
July 9th, 7:00 PM
All Souls will be hosting the Reading Pride Interfaith Service this year. The Service will be held in Calvary’s main sanctuary and a light fellowship hour will be held after the service down in the Pine Room. There is a sign-up sheet available in the Heritage Room for people who wish to donate desserts. Any donations will be greatly appreciated!
We hope you can attend!
Help needed for the All Souls Booth at Reading Pride
Reading Pride Celebration
Sunday, July 17th
2:00 PM – 6:00 PM
Centre Park
All Souls will again have a booth at Pride that will include a children’s activity. We will need volunteers to help with the children and to help staff the booth. You can volunteer for a certain time or spend the whole day! A sign-up sheet is available in the Heritage Room.
Sunday Service will not be held on July 17.
Ecumenical Catholic Communion Synod – Parish Representatives sought![]() Every other year, the ECC holds a Synod, a type of National meeting. We can send up to 4 delegates (two for House of Pastors, two for House of Laity).
The 2016 Holy Synod will be in Fort Worth Texas, October 10-13. If you are interested in attending please see any member of the Board of Directors for more details. We need to finalize who is attending soon – as there is some work and research expected of each delegate before the Synod begins to help with the passing of legislation.
Last year we had our first Parish Picnic. It was great fun and a success and the parish demanded another one! So we hope you can join us for our 2nd Annual Parish Picnic onSaturday, September 17. If you would like to take charge of any aspect of the day (kids games; adult games; food arrangement; etc) – we would welcome volunteers!!!! See any board member today!
Other Fall Dates to save!
Saturday, October 6 – Pot luck
Saturday, November 6 – Annual Meeting
Saturday, December 10 – COOKIE BAKE
How are you doing answering this past week’s
question of the week?
As today’s Gospel confronts me with the question of who Jesus is for me, to whom will I become an instrument of Jesus’ love?