BE BOLD! In your spirit of power, love, and self-discipline
The weekly Newsletter of
A Welcoming Family of Faith!
Our annual meeting coming up in November, we are now looking for volunteers to serve on our nominating committee – and for new members of our Board of Directors. If interested in serving on the nominating committee – please see Jerry Schearer.
Friendly’s Family Night & Fundraiser – October 5! See article below.
Harvest Fest Pot Luck! = October 15.
Please take the time to read the articles and information in this week’s “GOOD NEWS” including clicking on our prayer list and pray for the requests listed there.
Feel free to forward this newsletter to a family member or friend, or share it on your facebook page or twitter by using the “like” and “share” icons at the top of the page.
This weeks readings and question of the week:
Take time to mediate on God’s word and prepare for worship this Sunday. And as you meditate on them, consider the Question of the Week:
What do I have to do this week to accomplish “all I have been commanded” so that next week I can say “I have done what I was obligated to do?”

Habakkuk 1:1-3, 2:2-4
PSALM PS 95:1-2, 6-7, 8-9
2 TIMOTHY 1:6-8, 13-14
Luke 17:5-10
2 Timothy 1:7-8
For God did not give us a spirit of cowardice but rather of power and love and self-control. So do not be ashamed of your testimony to our Lord, nor of me, a prisoner for his sake; but bear your share of hardship for the gospel with the strength that comes from God.
For God hath not given us the spirit of fear – A timorous and servile spirit. This is said in order to encourage Timothy, who was not improbably modest and diffident.
But of power – Power to encounter foes and dangers; power to bear up under trials; power to triumph in persecutions. That is, it is the nature of the gospel to inspire the mind with holy courage;
And of love – Love to God and to the souls of men. The tendency of This, also, is to “cast out fear”, and to make the mind bold and constant. Nothing will do more to inspire courage, to make a man fearless of danger, or ready to endure privation and persecution, than “love.” The love of country, and wife, and children, and home, makes the most timid bold when they are assailed; and the love of Christ and of a dying world nerves the soul to great enterprises, and sustains it in the deepest sorrows.
WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 5: 5 pm – 8 pm
Bring your family and friends for a night out at Friendly’s at 3024 Penn Ave in West Lawn! Can’t stay? Call ahead and pick up an order to go! We will have baked goods for sale, raffles for gift baskets, and more!
So join us for a good meal, some ice cream, and some fun! Please share this event and invite more friends!
HOW CAN YOU HELP? 1) Come out and have a meal. 2) Invite friends. 3) Provide Baked Goods 4) provide a raffle basket. Please see Kimmie or any board member for more information?
SHUT IN? HAVE TO WORK? Can’t make it out? JERRY DELIVERS!!!! Just contact Jerry ahead of time with what meal you want and we will deliver it to you! Ice Cream delivery might be limited (could melt or be eaten on the way) – but we will try!!!
New Board of Director members to be elected at Annual Meeting!
We need a few parishioners to serve on a nominating committee. The nominating committee will convene to select at least two people to serve on the Board of Directors. The board members are elected at our Annual Meeting on November 6. If you want to be on the nominating committee, please see Jerry.
If you are interested in being nominated to the Board of Directors, please see any current board members to ask questions about being a board member and express your interest. Board members serve a three year term.
YANKEE CANDLE SALE – Incarnation Lutheran
Help Support our friends at Incarnation Lutheran by buying candles or other gift products from YANKEE CANDLE!
We will have a order form in the foyer area during Social Hour this Sunday or go to and you will use this code in the lower left box for group code. 990047712
All Souls will not be doing a candle sale this year, so we encourage you to get your candles, gifts, and holiday needs through Incarnation and help support them.
Annual Meeting – Sunday, November 6 – 2:30 pm
All Souls Annual Meeting takes place each year on our Feast Day. It is a time for us to reflect on the past year, set some goals for the future, and enjoy the blessings of God on All Souls.
We will also have some official business, such as a report from the ECC Synod which Henry, Jerry, and Kimmie are attending AND election of board members.
This does serve as our POT-LUCK for November. The Board will be providing hamburgers and hotdogs. You are invited to bring side dishes, snacks, drinks, and deserts!
Only $5.00 !
Other scents include:
Almond, coconut, cucumber melon, lavender, lemon bliss, milk & honey, expresso truffle, Incense, key lime mint, lavender patchouli, rose, rosemary mint and peppermint.
Purchase some this Sunday after service!
How are you doing answering this past week’s
question of the week?
Where must I look to see the Jesus I love and worship in someone in need and offer my wholehearted care and compassion?