POT LUCK Game Night this Saturday!
The weekly Newsletter of
A Welcoming Family of Faith!
Now that the holidays are over and things are more back to normal, we hope you will join us as your able to worship as a parish family. And don’t forget THIS SATURDAY (January 21) is our first POT LUCK of the year! See more details below – bring your family and friends!
Please take the time to read the articles and information in this week’s “GOOD NEWS” including clicking on our prayer list and pray for the requests listed there.
Feel free to forward this newsletter to a family member or friend, or share it on your facebook page or twitter by using the “like” and “share” icons at the top of the page.
This weeks readings and question of the week:
Take time to mediate on God’s word and prepare for worship this Sunday. And as you meditate on them, consider the Question of the Week:
How strong/bright is the light of Christ shining through my life, in my actions and my words?
Isaiah 8:33-9;3
Psalm 27:1, 4,13-14
1 Corinthians 1:10-13; 17
Matthew 4:12-23
Psalm 27:1
The LORD is my light and my salvation; whom should I fear? The LORD is my life’s refuge; of whom should I be afraid?
We do not know when David wrote Psalm 27. Some Christians believe that he wrote it in 2 parts. He wrote verses 1 – 6 when life was good. God was answering all his prayers. Perhaps it was after he had killed Goliath. (See Psalm 27:2 below). He wrote verses 7-12 when life was difficult He thought that God was hiding from him. Perhaps it was when Saul was fighting him. (See Psalm 27:12 below). He wrote verses 13-14 when he put the 2 parts together. Other Christians believe that David wrote it all at the same time. In the past God had been good to him. Why was God not good to him now? He would still believe in God and wait for his help. In Psalm 27 we learn that for David life had its ups and downs. The ups were the good times. The downs were the difficult times. This happens to us also. When life is difficult we must remember the good times. When we think that God has forgotten us, we must remember the times when he did not forget us. We must be like David in Psalm 27:14. We must wait for the Lord. One day he will give us help. If we believe this, it will make us strong.
January 21 – 6:00 pm – Pine Room
Game Night Potluck!
Bring your favorite board games, friends, and family!!!!
SAVE THE DATES – 2017 POT LUCKS & Other Socials
Please mark your calendar for these dates in 2017! Pot lucks all begin at 6:00 pm in the Pine Room (basement of Calvary).
Themes and/or activities will be announced for each month – so watch for those in the Good News! If you have ideas for activities, games, or themes for the pot lucks, please contact Wendy or any board member!
Saturday, January 21
- Saturday, February 18
- Saturday, March TBD
- Saturday, April 8
- Saturday, May 20
- Wednesday, May 24 – (Friendly’s Family Fun Night & Fundraiser)
- Saturday, June 20
- Saturday, September 23 – ANNUAL PICNIC
- Saturday, October 21
- Sunday, November 5 – Annual Meeting & Potluck
- December 9 – Cookie Bake
How are you doing answering this past week’s question of the week?
To whom and how am I being called to be the servant of God’s “raising and restoring” Jesus?