Good News from All Souls – 08/31/2024

Weekly News & Bulletin

August 31, 2024

Sunday: 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time

LGBTQ Night at Reading Phils

Tuesday, September 3 – 6:45 pm

FREE tickets available from All Souls!

We’d love to you see you there. All Souls will have a booth there – so stop by and say hello!!! Gates open 6 pm

Upcoming Events!

We have many exciting events coming up. Mark your calendars!

September 3rd – Pride Night at the Reading Philles. Gates open at 6:00 PM, Game time is 6:45 PM. All Souls will have a table at the game.

September 29th – Berks Cultural Diversity Festival at City Park. Festival runs 12:00-6:00. Joan and Wendy will be manning the All Souls table. Jerry will be there as well manning the Kutztown University table.

October 5th – Blessing of the Animals in Centre Park at 11:00 AM. Fr. Henry will be giving blessings to your pets in honor of St. Francis of Assisi. We are asking for a donation of pet food to distribute to local shelters. There will be representatives from local rescues at the event with some adoptable pets.

October 11th – Opus One Coming Out Concert at 7:00 PM at Calvary. Vito will be representing All Souls at this event and will be doing a reading.

October 19th – All Souls Fall Potluck, 6:00-8:30 downstairs in the Pine Room. Come join us for great food and fellowship

November 3 – All Saints/All Souls Day and Annual Meeting.


Sunday, September 1

12 pm – Mass

Tuesday, September 3

LGBTQ Night @ R-Phils

6:45 pm – All Souls Booth

Sunday, September 8

12 pm – Mass

Fellowship After (A-P)

Sunday, September 15

12 pm – Mass

Board Meeting to follow

Sunday, September 22

12 pm – Mass

Fellowship After (Q-Z)

Sunday, September 29

12 pm – Mass

Holy Synod 2024

In October, Fr. Henry, Jerry, Ben and Wendy will be traveling to Colorado to attend Synod. The theme this year is Passing the Torch. There will be a large torch structure at Synod and we are being asked to fill the torch with ribbons the colors of fire – reds, oranges, yellows and golds and even some blues. We have ribbons in the vestibule and we would like everyone to choose a ribbon and write with permanent marker your hopes for the ECC. What do you see the ECC being to all? What positive message can you send with us to Synod? We will gather all the ribbons before we leave for Synod and take them with us. We would like for everyone to participate and help us to “light” the torch at Synod

Worship This Week

Helping with mass:


Celebrant – Rev. Henry Pruski

This week: Sunday, 9/1/24

Lay Assistant -Kent Raudibaugh

Music -Steve Katzenmoyer

Reader -Ben Renkus

Next Week: Sunday, 9/8/24

Lay Assistant -Jerry Schearer and Joan Hanely

Music -Mark Sorenson

Reader -Vito Granieri

Rota Sept-Dec 2024

Click below to prepare for mass this week or follow along virtually.

This Weeks Bulletin
Readings for this week

First Reading: Deuteronomy 4:1-2, 6-8

Responsorial: Psalm 15:2-3, 3-4, 4-5

Second Reading: James 1:17-18, 21b-22, 27

Gospel: Mark 7:1-8; 14-15, 21-23

Prayer Requests
Kids Sermon: Should we follow rules?
Music for the week: 50+ Greatest Hymns

Question of the Week: Where do I see injustice in my family, workplace, community, or the world? What will I do to help bring justice to those who need it in each of those places?

Tithe, Offering, and special events payment via Zelle or PayPal:

If you would like to give electronically, please feel free to use our All Souls PayPal or Zelle. Zelle is preferred as there are no fees, but either service is fine.

  • Zelle, look up our account using our email: (it will list name of our treasurer, Jerry Schearer, but will go directly to All Souls account)
  • PayPal,use the QR code to the right.

In the notes please indicate what the payment is for. Thank you for your continued support of All Souls and its ministries.

Can’t join us in person this week? Watch the service on Facebook Live or the recording anytime on YouTube. Our links are below:

Facebook        Instagram        YouTube
All Souls ECC Website

All Souls ECC | 640 Centre Ave. Reading, PA | Worshiping in the side chapel off of Oley Street |

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All Souls Church | Worshiping in the Side Chapel (off Oley Street) 640 Centre Ave | Reading, PA 19601 US

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