Our Ash Wednesday Service will be held on Wednesday, March 5th at 7:00 PM in the chapel.
Good Thyme for Life is fast approaching. We will be hosting; Monday, March 3rd
Café Folino; 8 AM – 2 PM
Mangia! Italian Restaurant
4 PM – 8 PM.
Please invite your friends and Family to join us!!!
Our Ash Wednesday Service will be held on Wednesday, March 5th at 7:00 PM in the chapel.
This year, we will be doing a special Lenten offering. Coin containers will be available in the Vestibule. Please collect your loose coins in the containers during Lent. Containers can be turned in on Palm Sunday or at Easter Vigil. The monies collected will be used to provide a meal at Opportunity House.
Sunday, March 2
12 pm – Mass
Monday, March 3
A Good Thyme for Life
Café Folino 8 am – 2 pm
Mangia! 4 pm- 8 pm
Wednesday, March 5
7 pm – Ash Wednesday Service in Chapel
Sunday, March 9
12 pm – Mass
Fellowship After (A-P)
Saturday, March 15
6 pm – POT LUCK
Sunday, March 16
12 pm – Mass
Board Meeting after Mass
Sunday, March 23
12 pm – Mass
Fellowship After (Q-Z)
On Saturday, March 8th at 1 pm, there will be a meeting at Deluxe Diner on Lancaster Ave with a few Lutherans to discuss how they can support LGBTQ+ pride in Reading/Berks. If anyone from All Souls would be interested in attending, the invite has also been extended to us. One of the facilitators will be Tom Busteed, partner of John Brewster, one of our organists. Text him to save a seat: (570-856-2078)
What beam in my eye will I remove this Lent? What fruit will I produce during Lent? In other words, what two concrete things will I do to see more clearly and to contribute to Jesus’ mission
Tithe, offering, and special events payment via Zelle or PayPal:
If you would like to give electronically, please feel free to use our All Souls PayPal or Zelle. Zelle is preferred as there are no fees, but either service is fine.
Zelle: look up our account using our email: allsoulsecc@gmail.com. (It will list name of our treasurer, Jerry Schearer, but it will go directly to All Souls account.)
PayPal: use the QR code to the right.
In the notes please indicate what the payment is for. Thank you for your continued support of All Souls and its ministries.
Can't join us in person this week? Watch the service on YouTube Live or the recording anytime on YouTube. Our links are below: