Good News from All Souls – 07/27/2024

Weekly News & Bulletin

July 27, 2024

Sunday: 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time


Thank you for everyone who helped volunteer at the Berks Pride Fest All Souls Table. We appreciate all of you!

Dave Boyd, Wendy Boyd, Joan Hanley, Henry Pruski, Jerry Schearer, Kent Raudibaugh, Kimmie Rubendall, Donna Cole, Kevin Reidel, and John Reidel!

Thanks also to Ben and Vito who worked hard all day as volunteers at Berks Pride and helped get some of volunteers to and from our booth via golf cart!

Mary Magdalene Feast Day is July 22.  

Let us join together to celebrate July

as Mary Magdalene month

and Christmas in July.

The ECC community is experiencing the need for clergy to sustain our growth. We face the challenge of shepherding our communities into an inclusive future in which all our clergy are representative of the church where all are welcomed and included. 

To all parishioners – Please consider making a special direct donation during the month of July to MMS in honor of and in gratitude for the clergy serving your parish community.  

Perhaps your donation may be the equivalent cost of a Starbucks coffee drink, a double dip ice cream, a Dunkin’ donut and coffee, Krispy Kreme donuts, a favorite beverage or simply put, a donation that comes from a more generous heart.  

Donate any Sunday in July by marking “special offering” and writing MMS on your envelope in the offering plate. Or if donating via ZELLE, please indicate that it is for July Special Offering/MMS. 

Sunday, July 28

12 pm – Mass

Fellowship After (Q-Z)

Sunday, August 4

12 pm – Mass

Sunday, August 11

12 pm – Mass

Fellowship After (A-P)

Sunday, August 18

12 pm – Mass

Board Meeting to follow

Sunday, August 25

12 pm – Mass

Fellowship After (Q-Z)

The ECC Mary Magdalene Society supports:

• ECC youth through summer camps, service projects

• Seminarians/clergy, who are ECC affiliated, with economic needs

• Student debt relief

• Incardination expenses

• Candidate ordination expenses

Worship This Week

Helping with mass:


Celebrant – Rev. Henry Pruski

This week: Sunday, 7/28/24

Lay Assistant – Joan Hanley

Music – Steve Katzenmoyer

Reader – Kimmie Rubendal

Next Week: Sunday, 8/4

Lay Assistant – Wendy Boyd

Music – John Brewster

Reader – Vito Granieri

 ROTA – CLICK HERE. May – August 2024

Click below to prepare for mass this week or follow along virtually.

This Weeks Bulletin
Readings for this week

First Reading: 2 Kings 4:42-44

Responsorial: Psalm 145:10-11, 15-16, 17-18

Second Reading: Ephesians 4:1-6

Gospel: John 6:1-15

Prayer Requests
Kids Sermon: The Miracle of the Eucharist!
Music for the week: Hymns for 17th Sunday in Ordinary C

Question of the Week: What can I offer this week, without expecting anything in return, that could provide more than it would if I kept it for myself?

Tithe, Offering, and special events payment via Zelle or PayPal:

If you would like to give electronically, please feel free to use our All Souls PayPal or Zelle. Zelle is preferred as there are no fees, but either service is fine.

  • Zelle, look up our account using our email: (it will list name of our treasurer, Jerry Schearer, but will go directly to All Souls account)
  • PayPal,use the QR code to the right.

In the notes please indicate what the payment is for. Thank you for your continued support of All Souls and its ministries.

Can’t join us in person this week? Watch the service on Facebook Live or the recording anytime on YouTube. Our links are below:

Facebook        Instagram        YouTube
All Souls ECC Website

All Souls ECC | 640 Centre Ave. Reading, PA | Worshiping in the side chapel off of Oley Street |

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All Souls Church | Worshiping in the Side Chapel (off Oley Street) 640 Centre Ave | Reading, PA 19601 US

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