The Good News is All Souls ECC Church’s weekly newsletter, keeping our parishioners up-to-date with all the latest goings on and upcoming events here at All Souls ECC. Check out the current newsletter. Or see what you missed if you couldn’t make it.
The Good News is All Souls ECC Church’s weekly newsletter, keeping our parishioners up-to-date with all the latest goings on and upcoming events here at All Souls ECC. Check out the current newsletter. Or see what you missed if you couldn’t make it.
GRACE TO YOU! Please take some time to read this weeks scriptures…all of them have some powerful things to say to us; and enjoy the commentary on God’s Grace below! Opportunity House was a success! Thanks to everyone who contributed money, time, and prayers! Reading Pride Interfaith Service on July 11 and Reading Pride […]
Greetings in the name of our risen Lord and Savior JESUS! Was great to see folks at the pot luck last Saturday! We had a great meal and good conversation! And some extra entertainment from Jerry’s nephew, Hayden. Thank for everyone who came out – and we can’t wait to start up Pot Lucks […]
Greetings in the name of our risen Lord and Savior JESUS! Sorry for this week’s lateness of “GOOD NEWS”! Opportunity House (June 27), and Reading Pride Festival (July 19). Please see more information about those events below – and don’t forget about our last Pot Luck of the year on June 20– we hope […]
Greetings in the name of our risen Lord and Savior JESUS! Summer is here – but still a lot of exciting things happening around the life of All Souls! This Sunday is Lou’s ordination at 3 pm. Lou has been a great part of our family as he has gone through seminary and various […]
Greetings in the name of our risen Lord and Savior JESUS! Many people who come to All Souls as guests often talk about our family atmosphere and our hospitality. We know that that is a strong point of our ministry. Thank you to all who support that. In the next few weeks, we have many […]
Greetings in the name of our risen Lord and Savior JESUS! Many people who come to All Souls as guests often talk about our family atmosphere and our hospitality. We know that that is a strong point of our ministry. Thank you to all who support that. In the next few weeks, we have many […]
Greetings in the name of our risen Lord and Savior JESUS! That name is so powerful – it has caused changes in history; kings have bowed at the mention of the name; and lives have been changed! It speaks of LOVE and SALVATION! This weeks scriptures continues not only with the theme of God’s […]
JOY and LOVE and GOOD NEWS to give! PRAYERS and GRACE and LOVE needed! As I edit this newsletter each week, I think of both – but especially this week as I reflected on the many needs on our prayer list (see link to the left), but also on the great scripture readings this week. God […]
Welcome to the 5th Sunday of Easter. We continue to celebrate Christ’s sacrifice and resurrection – and the Good News of the Gospel. We have had some beautiful weather the past few weeks – Spring is here! May the renewal happening in the trees, flowers, and gardens be reflected in your life. Need some extra renewal? Join us this […]
Welcome to the 4th Sunday of Easter. We continue to celebrate Christ’s sacrifice and resurrection – and the Good News of the Gospel. Is that Easter Joy still in you? Do you still feel God’s love that he expressed on the cross? We hope that you will come and be renewed and refreshed with your All Souls Family […]