The Good News is All Souls ECC Church’s weekly newsletter, keeping our parishioners up-to-date with all the latest goings on and upcoming events here at All Souls ECC. Check out the current newsletter. Or see what you missed if you couldn’t make it.
The Good News is All Souls ECC Church’s weekly newsletter, keeping our parishioners up-to-date with all the latest goings on and upcoming events here at All Souls ECC. Check out the current newsletter. Or see what you missed if you couldn’t make it.
The closet cleaning scheduled for Saturday, January 24 has been postponed. Sorry for any inconvenience. Be safe if you need to be out tomorrow morning in the snow! Hope to see you all on Sunday!
Greetings, Blessings, and GOOD NEWS! May you be blessed by this weeks readings, and enjoy reading this weeks edition of GOOD NEWS. We hope to see you at our first potluck of 2015, this Saturday, January 17. We hope you see you soon! Feel free to pass on your Weekly All Souls Good News […]
How quickly we move from celebrating Christ’s birth, the presentation of baby Jesus at the temple, and the visit from the three kings – to now this week, his baptism. But you know – life does really go fast all around us. So don’t put off meeting some of those goals you set […]
Oh Come Let Us Adore Him! The beautiful story and music of the Christmas Season continues this Sunday with the Feast of the Epiphany. And don’t forget to mark your calendar for the first potluck of 2015, coming up on January 17. Be sure to read the other news in this weeks edition of […]
Our Christmas midnight mass was beautiful and a blessing. It was nice to see some new faces, some faces we hadn’t seen in a while but were missing, and our weekly family. Thank you to Henry and the worship team for putting together a beautiful service and to everyone who contributed to making it happen. […]
MERRY CHRISTMAS! I hope you are ready for Christmas and that you can take time to give the first part of your Christmas to worshiping the true reason for the season – Jesus Christ. No matter where you are or where you worship, take time to allow God to answer our advent prayer “Come Lord […]
Just a quick reminder that we do have our mid-week advent evening prayer tonight (Dec 10) at 7:00 pm in the Chapel. And we will also have it next week for the third week of Advent (Dec. 17) . Then the following Wednesday is December 24 and we will have our midnight Christmas Eve […]
In the hustle and bustle of this Christmas season, take time for peace, take time for reflection, take time to look for the Christ child. He is the reflection of God – his one way to earthly peace and eternal salvation. Join your family at All Souls as we seek after this peace together! Hope […]
Welcome to Advent. May we always be hopeful as we prepared for the coming of the Christchild and His second coming. We hope you will join us this Advent season to be renewed, refreshed, and filled with the spirit of Christmas. Hope you see you soon! Feel free to pass on your Weekly All […]