Those scheduled to bring something to share after worship are those who’s last names begin with:
August 24: S-Z
August 31: ALL
September 7: A-C
September 14: D-H September 21: I -R
A Welcoming Family of Faith!
Weekly Newsletter
August 20, 2014
How do you present yourself to your family? friends? coworker? How do you present yourself to your Fellow Brothers and Sisters in Christ? The people I meet at All Souls are a group of caring individuals, a family that has compassion for others, and that I believe will do almost anything for each others, their friends and families, and even strangers. We have a very giving parish. Our fellowship with each other and the love and prayers we lift to God I believe are pleasing to him – and part of our constant worship.
Please join us if your able to this Sunday. We will be saying farewell and asking for blessings for our long time friend and brother in Christ, Bob Bailey. Bob is opening a new chapter in his life as he moves to Florida to be with Russel and see what God has in store for him down South. We hope to see you there!
Be sure to read this entire newsletter – lots of good things going on and coming up at All Souls! Be sure to pay attention to the info bar on the left side as well- especially to the Hospitality information. A reminder to look at the date and if your its your turn to bring some snacks or drinks – to please do so if you are able.
Have a blessed week!
This weeks readings:
Take time to mediate on God’s word and prepare for worship this Sunday.
Paul is explaining to the Roman Christians how to live so that their behavior would be worshipful to God. God desires you to surrender every part of your life to him. This sounds similar to Jesus’s answer to the “expert in the law” in Luke 10:27 “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind”
Would you buy a house and only use one room? Or buy a car if you were only allowed to use it one day a week? Or read a book if you could only read one chapter? NO, nor would I.
Worship is not just on Sunday’s at Church – but we are called to worship God always – giving him all of us – 7 days a week. In our words, our deeds, and even in our sacrifice. It will be good practice for Heaven, when we worship him at all times!
Nominating Committee As announced a nominating committee has been formed to select nominees for openings on the All Souls Board of Directors. New directors will be elected at the Annual Meeting on November 2.
If you are interested in learning more about whats involved in being a member of the Board of Directors please talk to any current member. If you are interested in being considered as a candidate, please talk to any one on the nominating committee – Joan, Rusty, or Rich E.
HOMECOMING WEEKEND/5th Anniversary Been busy? Traveling this past summer? Been away from All Souls for whatever reason for a while? Welcome come join us for HOMECOMING WEEKEND! September 13 and 14, 2014. We hope you will be able to join us for one or both dates!
Saturday, September 13 will be our first potluck of the Fall. 6:00 pm in the Pine Room! Come one, come all and help us celebrate our 5th Anniversay as a Parish!
Sunday, September 14 is our 1st Annual Homecoming Sunday! We have had so many people come though our doors in the past – some to visit, some stay until life or circumstances change, and some of our regulars have had some very busy summers with traveling, visiting family, and so forth. Well everyone is welcome to join us once again, even if its just a visit – we miss you and would love to see you in worship at 1 pm. Come say hi to friends and family – new and old!
We love sharing our concerns and praises with each other during worship. It allows us as a family of faith to share our struggles, pray for our needs, and give praise for God’s grace. We hope that you also take the weekly list of prayer requests from the bulletin and continue to pray over the list during your devotions.
To add to our prayers – we will be doing something new. We will have prayer request forms in the pews with the offering envelopes. Please fill this out as your preparing for worship. Then when its time for Community Concerns; hand these to the clergy who will then place them on the alter to offer them up to God during the prayer time. This will also allow us to add the new requests and praises to our prayer list. If you can’t be in worship – please feel free to send prayer requests to be added to our printed list to the church email address.
We will see how this works – and let us know what you think!
Our Fall Fundraiser for ALL SOULS will be a Yankee Candle Sale. We are asking all parishioners to help us sell the candles. You will be able to sell locally to your friends, family, coworkers, and neighbors. Plus you will be able to share a link and sell on line. More details will be coming soon – but stand by! Start making of list of potential customers – plus how many candles you can buy as Christmas presents this year….all while helping All Souls at the same time!