Homecoming Pot Luck! 5th Anniversary Celebration 6:00 pm Satruday, September 13Worship/Holy Eucharist Homecoming Sunday! 1:00 PM Sunday, September 14Board of Directors Meeting 6:00 pm @ Wendy’s Friday, September 19 *If anyone has a concern, idea, or other business to bring to the board, please contact any member prior to this meeting or you are welcome to come to the meeting, but please let us know so we can provide you with directions.
This Week
Setup/Clean Up
Lay Assistant
Fr. Henry
1st Reading
Jay B.
2nd Reading
Want to serve as a participant? All volunteers welcome! To see openings & how to volunteer – please click on the ROTA links below.
Those scheduled to bring something to share after worship are those who’s last names begin with:
September 14: D-H
September 21: I -R
September 28: S-Z October 5: A-C
SEE TO THE RIGHT – New information about the upcoming ECC SYNOD, OCT 7-10SEE BELOW – For information about a new play titled “Getting COMPLETE”. This includes endorsements from All Souls and Reading Pride. We hope All Souls members can attend!
A Welcoming Family of Faith!
Weekly Newsletter
September 10, 2014
ITS ALMOST HERE!!! Our HOMECOMING WEEKEND is THIS WEEKEND. I hope you have marked your calendar to come to our first pot luck on Saturday, September 13 at 6 pm. to celebrate our 5th Anniversary as a parish! Our “Homecoming” Mass will be the following day, Sunday September 14 at 1 pm. We hope our current parishoners, any members who have moved away or lost contact, any of friends and visitors who have been a part of All Souls in anyway over the past 5 years, will come to one or both of these events and help us celebrate. We would love to see your smiling face, give you a hug, and share in God’s grace and love with you. Bring a friend or two with you as well – we are ALL SOULS, all are welcome!
In our own lives we sometimes miss people due to the burden of unforgiveness. Or we don’t allow God’s full blessings in our lives, because we hold on to our sin burden. Please take some time to read this weeks readings (as listed below) and also the commentary down below. I think we all could use this reminder from time to time – and come to church this Homecoming Weekend feeling a bit lighter and truly open to the blessings God has for us.
Hope you see you soon! Feel free to pass on your Weekly All Souls Good News to a Friend!
Have a blessed week! – Jerry
This weeks readings:
Take time to mediate on God’s word and prepare for worship this Sunday.
Genesis 50:15-21
Psalm 103:1-7
Romans 14:7-12
Matthew 18:15-20
Psalm 103:1-2
For as the heavens are high above the earth, *
so is his mercy great upon those who fear him.As far as the east is from the west, *
so far has he removed our sins from us..
The readings this week are all related to forgiveness. Joseph forgiving his brothers. God’s forgiveness and judgement and grace toward us. And Jesus talking about us forgiving one another. Isn’t the gift of forgiveness awesome? It allows us to not carry burdens, to love one another, and most important – it assures us of Eternal Life.
Truly God’s mercy is more than we deserve, but his Love for us is so great – that he pours out his grace to us each day. I know I am thankful each day knowing that he takes my sins and removes them as far as the east is from the west.
IF YOU ARE FEELING BURDENED – take time to ask for God’s forgiveness and allow him to pour out his Grace to you. If you have someone to forgive, then forgive them – even if the other person isn’t around or you don’t know how to contact them or they don’t even want forgiveness, lift that burden from you and truly forgive them. Likewise, seek forgiveness this week from anyone you have wronged – even if it was unintentional. I know my sarcastic nature sometimes in the past has caused some people to feel hurt. Once I realized this, I’ve tried to change my ways – but also to ask forgiveness even for these small errors. Imagine how much lighter your load will be if you ask forgiveness from God, seek it from others, and freely give it when needed. This is one “weight loss” program I guarantee will work.
Nominating Committee As announced a nominating committee has been formed to select nominees for openings on the All Souls Board of Directors. New directors will be elected at the Annual Meeting on November 2.If you are interested in learning more about whats involved in being a member of the Board of Directors please talk to any current member. If you are interested in being considered as a candidate, please talk to any one on the nominating committee – Joan, Rusty, or Rich E.
HOMECOMING WEEKEND/5th Anniversary Been busy? Traveling this past summer? Been away from All Souls for whatever reason for a while? Welcome come join us for HOMECOMING WEEKEND! September 13 and 14, 2014. We hope you will be able to join us for one or both dates!Saturday, September 13 will be our first potluck of the Fall. 6:00 pm in the Pine Room! Come one, come all and help us celebrate our 5th Anniversay as a Parish!Sunday, September 14 is our 1st Annual Homecoming Sunday! We have had so many people come though our doors in the past – some to visit, some stay until life or circumstances change, and some of our regulars have had some very busy summers with traveling, visiting family, and so forth. Well everyone is welcome to join us once again, even if its just a visit – we miss you and would love to see you in worship at 1 pm. Come say hi to friends and family – new and old!
ECC SYNOD INFORMATION This year will be the sixth Holy Synod as the international Ecumenical Catholic CommunionSynod 2014 is scheduled for October 7 – 10 in Aurora, CO This is a big year for the ECC. We will be electing a new Presiding Bishop for the first time in our history.Representing All Souls will be Fr. Henry Pruski, Jerry Schearer, and Joan Hanely as elected as delegates or alternative delegate our Annual Meeting last November. We do have a fourth slot available due to circumstances – if you are interested, please see Jerry or Joan. We will be putting updates about the Synod in here for the next few weeks leading up to the Synod and following.
We love sharing our concerns and praises with each other during worship. It allows us as a family of faith to share our struggles, pray for our needs, and give praise for God’s grace. We hope that you also take the weekly list of prayer requests from the bulletin and continue to pray over the list during your devotions.
We will have prayer request forms in the pews with the offering envelopes. Please fill this out as your preparing for worship. Then when its time for Community Concerns; hand these to the clergy who will then place them on the alter to offer them up to God during the prayer time. This will also allow us to add the new requests and praises to our prayer list. If you can’t be in worship – please feel free to send prayer requests to be added to our printed list to the church email address.
This week we especially lift up Joe Dicindio and his family. Please see our special prayer below:
Eternal rest grant unto him O Lord and may perpetual light shine upon him.
We the parish community of All Souls extend to Joe and his family our deepest sympathy and pledge our prayerful support in the days ahead. May he rest in Peace!
Funeral is today for those who can make it. See Obituary for more information.
Our Fall Fundraiser for ALL SOULS will be a Yankee Candle Sale. We are asking all parishioners to help us sell the candles. You will be able to sell locally to your friends, family, coworkers, and neighbors. Plus you will be able to share a link and sell on line. The sell tentatively begins September 16 and ends October 9! Start making of list of potential customers – plus how many candles you can buy as Christmas presents this year….all while helping All Souls at the same time!
Getting COMPLETE October 2–5, 2014, Kutztown, PA
Getting COMPLETE! is the new work from playwright Santo D. Marabella. Bullying, and its impact, doesn’t end in school. This is the story of what happens when the bully grows up. Jo-Jo the bully, now Jo the adult, is on a quest to take responsibility and make amends. The only question: are the bully’s victims ready to get complete as well?