This past week at the Board of Directors meeting among many other business items discussed it was our our reorganization meeting and we began to prepare a packet of information to seek a new pastor within the ECC. We are preparing information to be sent out within the ECC with who All Souls is, what are needs are, and other essential things a potential pastor would need to know. Thank you to those who attended the Annual Meeting and give us many of your suggestions. We will keep you update as we move forward!
Hope you see you soon! Feel free to pass on your Weekly All Souls Good News to a Friend! Seeing this for the first time? Click on “JOIN OUR MAILING LIST” over on the left hand blue column to get this directly to your email.
Blessings! – Jerry
This weeks readings:
Take time to mediate on God’s word and prepare for worship this Sunday.
Zephaniah 1:7,12-18
Psalm 90:1-6
1 Thessalonians 5:1-5
Matthew 25:14-30
1 Thessalonians 5:4-5
But you, beloved, are not in darkness, for that day to surprise you like a thief; for you are all children of light and children of the day; we are not of the night or of darkness. So then let us not fall asleep as others do, but let us keep awake and be sober
In Matthew this week, Jesus again uses a parable to teach his disciples to be ready for his return. Jesus wants his followers to be busy in service and in sharing the good news right up until the day of his return. We don’t have to be afraid of judgment day as Christians because our sins are forgiven and forgotten.
Thessalonians as you can read also tells us to not be afraid, but to watch for the second coming. That day we are given the promise of “no more”. No more loneliness. No more pain. No more death. No more sadness. No more crying. We don’t have to fear – but we are to serve God until that time comes.
I pray you know the joy of being forgiven. Of knowing that Christ died for you. If not, we at All Souls invite you – everyone and anyone to come to Jesus and lay our past and your future in his hands.
St. Mary’s Episcopal Church located at W. Windsor and Front Streets are preparing School Kits and Hygiene Kits for distribution to refugee children in Jordan and
All Souls will be collecting these items the next two Sundays – November 9 and 16, and then we will deliver the items to St. Marys.
You may donate a whole kit or simply bring in individual items and then we will combine with others to make the kits. Please prepare kits with new items only in original packaging and do not add or substitute.
Please bring these items to church as we will collect them and bless them with our offering. You can see what goes into each kit in the blue column to the left.
BOD Reorganization Meeting
As per our bylaws – the first Board of Directors meeting after the Annual Meeting is the reorganization meeting. Because new board members are elected and sometime people are looking for a new challenge, officer positions can be realigned.
Because we are in a transition time and we only had one new board member elected (the other two were re-elected), the Board decided to keep the officers in their current positions and then have our new board member, Kimmie fill the vacant position. So here is a list of your Board of Directors officers for 2015
SR. Vice President – Jerry Schearer
Jr. Vice President- Henry Pruski
Secretary – Wendy Boyd
Treasurer – Joan Hanley
Asst. Secretary – Kimmie Kalbach
Asst. Treasurer – Ben Renkus
New Website:
The Board would like to thank Mike York for converting our former website to a WordPress. This took a lot of work to transfer the information, add links, etc. Thank you Mike!
Part of the change to WordPress is that that it allows more people to make changes to the website with just some minimal training. While we will still lean on Mike as our webmaster – having others be able to make updates, changes, and additions will allow these things to happen maybe more quickly. If you would like to be part of our “online ministry” team – please let Jerry know!
Please note that the actual url name is still the same as the old. However, the old URL then re-directed your browser to a geocities site (with a different URL). So if you bookmarked the geocities site (or some searches will still bring up the geocities site) – please be sure to book mark the new site with the direct URL.
Have you notices over in the left column that there are a bunch of cool links! Some go to other website and some open up documents that we change each week. Take time to click through!
You will see the NOVEMBER/DECEMBER ROTA and the JANUARY/FEBRUARY Rota. This is the list of the tasks we need to have performed each week to hold our worship service and fellowship hours. We are all ministers at All Souls – so each of is called to be an active part of our family. You can be up at the alter doing a variety of things, speaking or not speaking roles, set up or take down, greeting, hospitality, and more. Please take time to open the rota and volunteer. To volunteers, please see BEN or sign the rota at church or call or email him directly – his email is on the rota. Please let him know what you would like to do AND the date (s) you are available.
ALSO – we update the prayer list each week. Take time to click on that link and either view and pray for the requests on the list right away – or print it out, put it with your bible and pray over them each day during your meditation time. We know prayer works, please take time each week or more to lift up All Souls.