Greetings in the name of our risen Lord and Savior JESUS!
Sorry for this week’s lateness of “GOOD NEWS”!


Opportunity House (June 27), and Reading Pride Festival (July 19).  Please see more information about those events below – and don’t forget about our last Pot Luck of the year on June 20– we hope you can make it and bring friends and your appetite!


Please take the time to read the articles and information in this week’s “GOOD NEWS”. There are some new links on the left column for ECC news – so check them out too! Feel free to forward this newsletter to a family member or friend, or share it on your facebook page or twitter by using the “like” and “share” icons at the top of the page.  MANY BLESSINGS!

This weeks readings and question of the week:

Take time to mediate on God’s word and prepare for worship this Sunday.  And as you meditate on them, consider the Question of the week: How or in what ways can I nurture the good seed of faith that has been planted in me, so that I can bear fruit for God’s reign?


Ezekiel 17:22-24 

Psalm 92:1-4,11-14

2 Corinthians 5:6-10, 14-17

Mark 4:26-34 




Psalm 92: 1-2


It is a good thing to give thanks to the LORD, * and to sing praises to your Name, O Most High;

To tell of your loving-kindness early in the morning * and of your faithfulness in the night season;


As Christians we have the promise that God is with us at all times – the early morning, the late night; the good times, the challenging times; when we are feeling well, when we are sick; when we are in church, our home, our work, our school, or wherever we are.
So give praise to the Lord all day long!


Saturday, June 20
6:00 pm – Pine Room
This will be our last pot luck until the fall!
We hope you can attend and bring friends, food, and appetites!

News about our Lenten Ministry – Opportunity House Breakfast – JUNE 27

The offering from Lent will go toward buying supplies to cook breakfast for the residents of Opportunity House on Saturday, June 27.  We will be doing prep on the Thursday or Friday before. Stand by for more information.

We can use volunteers for prep-work @ Joans house on Friday and at Opportunity House Saturday morning (6:30 am – 9 am).  You can help with both, or just one or the other.  Sign up sheets will be  available soon – but please mark the dates.
We will also be collecting donations for personal hygiene kits (for men, women, and children), kitchen supplies, and children fun kits soon. More information to follow soon.
Some Kitchen Supplies they could use are: HOT PADS, METAL SCOURING PADS, FOOD STORAGE CONTAINERS, KITCHEN TOWELS, and MEAT THERMOMETERS.  Save these items if you have extra!

Interfaith Service

July 117:00 pm

The First Unitarian Universalist Church of Berks County, 416 Franklin Street, Reading


July 19 

All Souls will have a booth at the festival and we need YOUR HELP!   Sign up sheets will be available at church starting this week!  We need people to help with set up and take down, handing out information, children’s crafts, etc.  PLEASE HELP! THANK YOU!

All Souls is part of the North West Ministerium; here are some local churches looking for help:
Hope Lutheran has a community meal and worship service every Tuesday from 5:30-6:30 Just show up – it is that easy.
Path of Holiness is collecting children’s clothing to send to El Salvador – there has been some devastation there recently and there is great need.
Have kids?: Hope Lutheran and Christ (Glenside) are having Vacation Bible School the first week of August – one is hosting in the morning, the other in the evening. Call them for more details.

How are you doing answering this  past week’s question 
of the week from the bulletin? 


In what specific way this week can I translate my belief in Christ’s presence in the Eucharist into my practical service of Christ really present in someone who needs my love?