Good News from All Souls – 05/16/2024

Weekly News & Bulletin

May 18, 2024

Sunday: Pentecost Sunday

SAVE THE DATES! Volunteers Needed

Our two big summer festivals that All Souls has a tent/table display at are right around the corner!

  • Saturday, June 15 – Art on the Ave in West Reading

  • Sunday, July 21 – Pride Celebration at Jim Deitrich Park in Muhlenberg.

We would love to have you as a volunteer for an hour or two. Just sit/stand at our booth and talk to folks about why you attend All Souls. So mark your calendars now. Sign-up sheets are in the church foyer or email us

2024 ECC SYNOD-October 11-14

The Ecumenical Catholic Communion gathers every two years as a whole to consider legislation, share about our parishes, and worship together.

This year’s synod will be October 11-14 in Estes Park, CO. The theme is “Passing the Tourch”. For more information click here.

If you are interested in attending as a delegate or an observer please see any board member. Delegates must be selected by May 5.

Sunday, May 19

12 pm – Mass

Board Meeting to follow.

Sunday, May 26

12 pm – Mass

Fellowship After (Q-Z)

Sunday, June 2

12 pm – Mass

Sunday, June 9

12 pm – Mass

Fellowship After (A-P)

Saturday, June 15

ART ON AVENUE – West Reading. All Souls Booth

Sunday, June 16

12 pm – Mass

Board Meeting to follow.

Sunday, June 23

12 pm – Mass

Fellowship After (Q-Z)

Sunday, June 30

12 pm – Mass

Board Meeting to follow

Worship This Week

Helping with mass:


Celebrant – Rev. Henry Pruski

This week: Sunday, 5/19

Lay Assistant – Ben Renkus

Music – Steve Katzenmoyer

Reader – Jerry Schearer

Next Week: Sunday,5/26

Lay Assistant – Joan Hanley

Music – John Brewster

Reader – Kent Raudibaugh

NEW ROTA – CLICK HERE. May – August 2024

Click below to prepare for mass this week or follow along virtually.

This Weeks Bulletin
Readings for this week

First Reading: Acts 2:1-11

Responsorial: Psalm 104:1, 24, 29-30, 31, 34

Second Reading: 1st Corinthians 12:3b-7, 12-13

Gospel: John 20:19-23

Prayer Requests
Kids Sermon: Pentecost Sunday!
Music for the week: Worship Songs for Pentecost

Question of the Week: How do I carry out the Christian mission in what I say and do? How can each of the gifts of the Holy Spirit—wisdom, understanding, counsel, knowledge, fortitude, piety, and fear of the Lord—aid in my mission?

Tithe, Offering, and special events payment via Zelle or PayPal:

If you would like to give electronically, please feel free to use our All Souls PayPal or Zelle. Zelle is preferred as there are no fees, but either service is fine.

  • Zelle, look up our account using our email: (it will list name of our treasurer, Jerry Schearer, but will go directly to All Souls account)
  • PayPal,use the QR code to the right.

In the notes please indicate what the payment is for. Thank you for your continued support of All Souls and its ministries.

Can’t join us in person this week? Watch the service on Facebook Live or the recording anytime on YouTube. Our links are below:

Facebook        Instagram        YouTube
All Souls ECC Website

All Souls ECC | 640 Centre Ave. Reading, PA | Worshiping in the side chapel off of Oley Street |

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All Souls Church | Worshiping in the Side Chapel (off Oley Street) 640 Centre Ave | Reading, PA 19601 US

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