Easter Triduum Services

Thursday, April 13 – Maunday Thursday, 7:00 pm

Friday, April 14 – Good Friday, 7:00 pm

Saturday, April 15 – EASTER VIGIL, 7:00 pm

**Incarnation has invited members of All Souls to participate in the STATIONS OF THE CROSS, Friday, April 14 – 4:00 pm
Incarnation Lutheran Church, 1101 Lancaster Ave, Reading, PA

Sunday, April 16 – EASTER SUNDAY SERVICE, 1:00 pm

My sisters and brothers in Christ,

We began Holy Week, with our Palm Sunday procession this past Sunday. Let us not forget that we are a pilgrim people, making our journey of faith in this life by walking together. Please join me and your sisters and brothers of All Souls, as well as Christians throughout the world, by our walking together.

The most sacred three days of our faith, the Triduum, begins on Maundy (Latin – mandatum-mandate) Thursday, the commemoration of the Lord’s Supper and following the command/mandate to wash each other’s feet. Good Friday commemorates our Lord’s Passion and His death on the cross, the ultimate proof of His love despite human betrayal and treachery. Holy Saturday Vigil, beginning in stunned silence and darkness and ending in exultation that CHRIST IS RISEN, ALLELUIA!

Do not take your journey of faith by yourself and alone. Let us all walk together!

Fr. Henry+