February 7, 2018 – Sixth Sunday Ordinary Time 2018

Upcoming Events
POTLUCK with Family Promise
6:00 pm – Pine Room
Saturday, February 10
Worship/Holy Eucharist
1:00 pm – Chapel
Sunday, February 10
7:00 pm – Chapel
Saturday, December 9
Worship/Holy Eucharist
1:00 pm – Chapel
Sunday, February 18
Board of Directors Meeting
3:00 pm – After Fellowship
Sunday, Feburary 18
Worship/Holy Eucharist
1:00 pm – Chapel
Sunday, February 25
Worship/Holy Eucharist
1:00 pm – Chapel
Sunday, March 4
Worship/Holy Eucharist
1:00 pm – Chapel
Sunday, March 11

The Prayer List is updated weekly. Please keep the people and needs of those on the list a part of your daily prayer life.
Rota’s are also updated and listed below, check for openings and where your help in ministry is needed this week or next month!
Those scheduled to bring something to share after worship are those who’s last names begin with:
- February 11: G-L
- February 18: M-R
- February 25: S-Z
- March 4: A-F
- March 11: G-L
- March 18: M-R
- March 25: S-Z
This Week's Hymns
- Entrance Hymn: # 639 The Kingdom of God
- Offering Hymn: # 846 Jesus, Heal Us
- Recessional Hymn: # 586 Amazing Grace
All Souls ECC is a parish of the Ecumenical Catholic Communion
Contact Us
EMAIL: AllSoulsECC@gmail.com
PHONE: 610-621-1738
WEBSITE: allsoulsecumenical.org
Address: 640 Centre Ave, Reading, PA 19601
GOOD NEWS The Weekly Newsletter of All Souls ECC
A Welcoming Family of Faith!
Wednesday of this week 2/14 is Ash Wednesday, the beginning of the holy season of Lent and Valentine’s Day. Our eucharist will be celebrated at 7 PM with the imposition of ashes during Mass. Our focus as individuals and as a parish community is to do our best in following the disciplines of this holy season: prayer, fasting and alms giving.
Prayer – select a special person in your life each week a say a little prayer each day for that individual.
Fasting – select a meal one day of the week where you will eat a little less, great for weight loss and healthy for the body as well.
Almsgiving – save your spare change in the All Souls plastic container which will assist us in our outreach programs.
On Valentine’s Day we show our loved one’s the proof of our love, may we prove the same LOVE to our God and our neighbor during this season of Lent.
As a parish community, on this Sixth Sunday Ordinary Time 2018, let us not only support one another with the commitment to regular attendance is Sunday but also in our journey together through Lenten sacrifices to Easter joy.
Fr. Henry Pruski

This Week's Reading And Question of the Week
Take time to mediate on God’s word and prepare for worship this Sunday. And as you meditate on them, consider the Question of the Week:
How can our compassion lead us to break barriers and bring healing to others, thereby giving glory to God?

- Leviticus 13:1-2, 44-46
- PSALM 32:1-2, 5, 11 1 1
- 1Corinthians 10:31-11:1
- Mark 1:40-45
1 Corinthians 10:31-11:1
Brothers and sisters,
Whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do,
do everything for the glory of God.
Avoid giving offense, whether to the Jews or Greeks or
the church of God,
just as I try to please everyone in every way,
not seeking my own benefit but that of the many,
that they may be saved.
Be imitators of me, as I am of Christ.
(31) Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do.-These words embrace all life. The definite acts of eating and drinking are mentioned expressly as they are the subject immediately under consideration. They are, however, to be regulated by the same principle which guides all true life. The modern idea of some acts being religious and some secular is neither here nor elsewhere recognised by St. Paul. No act of life is in itself either religious or secular. The quality of each act depends on the spirit which guides it, and the motive from which it springs. The commonest thing may be done in a high Christian spirit. The greatest deed may spring from a low and selfish motive. A religious act done in a secular spirit is secular. A secular thing done in a religious spirit is religious. This is “the great first principle” of Christian life.
Congratulations and our prayerful support to Rev. Denise Donato on the occasion of her ordination as Auxiliary Bishop of ECC on 2/9/2018
Calvary / All Souls Hosting Family Promise
Calvary will again be hosting homeless families for the week of February 5-11.
All Souls will be helping to host by having our Pot Luck on Saturday, February 10 and having the families of Family Promise join us! We will then have two volunteers to spend the night at the church as well with the families.
Family Promise always enjoys being a part of the All Souls Family and pot luck, so please mark your calendars and SAVE THE DATE of February 10, 6:00 pm in the Pine Room for our FAMILY PROMISE POT LUCK.
Good Thyme For Life
March 6
This past November, at our parish’s annual meeting, the congregation agreed that, as part of All Souls’ Ministry and Outreach, to participate in A Good Thyme For Life. This is an annual dining out event to benefit Co-County Wellness Services. The event helps to raise funds to support those affected by HIV/AIDS.
This year’s event will be held on Tuesday March 6, 2018. All Souls will be hosting at Blind Hartman’s Tavern, 2910 Pricetown Road, Temple.
WE NEED YOU!!! – We need people to volunteer to help at the restaurant that evening to assist with the selling of raffle tickets for raffle baskets. We will also need raffle baskets donated. We are looking to get goods and/or services donated from local businesses. Please see any board member for information on what types of baskets that are needed.
More information will be upcoming within the next few weeks.
Help us to help others!