Lent 2018 Pastoral Letter
Brothers and Sisters:
Today is Ash Wednesday, the beginning of the holy season of Lent 2018. Our Eucharist will be celebrated tonight at 7 PM with the imposition of ashes during Mass.
During Lent this year our focus as individuals and as a parish community is to do our best in following the disciplines of this holy season: prayer, fasting and alms giving.
- Prayer – select a special person in your life each week and say a little prayer each day for that individual.
- Fasting – select a meal one day of the week where you will eat a little less, great for weight loss and healthy for the body as well.
- Almsgiving – save your spare change in the All Souls plastic container which will assist us in our outreach programs.
Together as a parish community let us not only support one another with the commitment to regular attendance is Sunday but also in our journey together through Lenten sacrifices to Easter joy.
Fr. Henry